Tuesday, November 26, 2019
buy custom First and Second Amendment essay
buy custom First and Second Amendment essay Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. (Chips Quinn Scholars, 2011) The above quotation was a part of the first Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. The First Amendment came into being because the citizens of the United States of America were uncertain and wanted a guarantee of the basic rights and freedoms. The First Amendment gave the protection of freedom of speech, media, religious rights, and political progress. (Chips Quinn Scholars, 2011) The First Amendment was a medium through which the religious minorities were protected. They could not be prosecuted or oppressed as now it was the governments responsibility to protect them. Also the press was given the possibility of change and was now able to raise the protests or support movements. It also obtained the freedom for political activism. (Chips Quinn Scholars, 2011) The First Amendment guaranteed the rights that the government of the United States of America had forgotten to include in the Constitution. Though there are questions raised on whether this Amendment was significant, nonetheless, it later went on to bring about the Bill of Rights. The Second Amendment comes on as a complete change. The Second Amendment was a medium of much discussion between the people and the government officials. There was a concern in the society relating to the violence and the increasing crime rate. Those which supported gun control began severe opposition against it because according to them this Amendment only led to more trouble for the country. Gun control is one issue which has plagued the history of the United States to much extreme and this Amendment was just the start of what was later to come. On one side there were people who detested the idea of guns used by individuals as this led to the increase in the crime in the society? On the other hand, there were those who believed that owning a gun was an automatic right of the people as it was a tool for self-defence. The Second Amendment reads: A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. The increasing problems in the country were a reason why the government agreed to pass out this amendment allowing the usage of guns and carrying around them by the individuals for self-protection. However, much of the debate around the Second Amendment is based upon the phrasing of this Amendment. It is this reason why it is considered as a very controversial Amendment. However, there has been much debate relating to the part about firearms in the Second Amendment. Even without considering it there is still much that does not get along well with the masses. In linking the First and Second Amendments, scholars have also connected the dissent-promoting values of each, suggesting that they apparently more than the other amendments are focused on empowering individuals to resist goverrnment oppression. For example, it has been argued that because the Second Amendment, like the First one, is designed to protect dissent regarding gun registration requirements, the assault-weapons ban are unconstitutional. This dissent focused, functionalist account is distinguishable from the leading alternative explanations: self-defence for the Second Amendment, self-actualization for the First. (Blocher, 2009) Gun control has been an important issue in the history of the United States. There have always been arguments for and against it. It was the Second Amendment which gave the first formal decision on this issue. Also the press has the right to publicly right what they believe to be through via sources they need not declare. The Amendments also highlight that there is freedom of religion and therefore, there is no such thing as state religion. Therefore, the First and the Second Amendments were interrelated. They were in agreement with the others in the way that the First Amendment ensured that the people were free and could exercise their rights of freedom of speech and the Second Amendment made sure that they had the means to use it as well. The Second Amendment actually promotes the idea of the First Amendment and reinforces the message put forward by it. This message is that everyone has the right to speak up. If the government tries to oppress the people, then the Second Amendment provides them with the tools to defend themselves. All of this with respect to the gun control movement is extremely significant. To conclude, despite the opposition, these two Amendments went on in History as the first two changes made to the constitution showing that there was really need for them. Buy custom First and Second Amendment essay
Friday, November 22, 2019
Advice for Women Who Want to Become Truckers
Advice for Women Who Want to Become Truckers Everyone may tell you it’s a â€Å"man’s job,†but that’s just not true. It doesn’t have to be, anyway. And there’s such a huge demand for truck drivers now; you should absolutely take advantage of these opportunities if you’re interested and suited to them. Here are three major tips for women want to become truckers and are trying to enter the industry.Believe in yourselfThe so-called â€Å"Confidence Gap†between men and women is well-acknowledged at this point. So many men go through the world and the workforce with this added sense of deserving what they get, particularly when they have a bit of experience or skill. Channel that. You’re probably just as qualified- if not more so- so go into the application process with that confidence. The industry will welcome you.Ask for helpYou won’t be the only woman in the trucking industry. Many brave and competent women have paved the way for you. Check in with Women in Trucking (WIT). Their website has a ton of information and resources you can rely on in your quest. You’re not alone. You have powerful allies out there just waiting to help you achieve your goals.Go where you’re most wantedYou’re going to need training. Choose a training school that has a mix of both men and women on their staff. Roadmasters Driving School is a good place to start; they’ve got several female directors running schools for them, and would be a great environment for you to study to pass your CDL (Class A Commercial Driver’s License) exam. If you chose a place that respects you, you’ll be able to take advantage of all the help that institution has to offer to help get you on your way.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Law Legal Research and Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Law Legal Research and Research Methods - Essay Example Palestinians on the other hand alleged Israel of continuously breaching Palestinian rights. There is nothing like a separate Palestinian people who are different from other Arabs were the conventional Israeli outlook. This was in the least assumed to be historical. The boundaries of historic Palestine and bordering countries were randomly fixed and there are already a number of Arab nations. Consequently it is irrational to stipulate that Israel should have any liability or part in instituting a nation for them. The Israeli Prime Minister (1969-74) Golda Meir in his famous statement summarized as: "There was no such thing as Palestinians ... It was not as though there was a Palestinian people in Palestine considering itself as a Palestinian people and we came and threw them out and took their country away from them. They did not exist." Some Arab leaders also expressed the same views. In addition to this evidence shows that during the British era when restriction on Jewish colonization to Palestine prevailed, unrestricted Arab migration/immigration to Palestine had taken p lace. Many Arabs have backed up and some carry on affirming the formation of a united Arab state covering all Arab peoples which includes Palestine. This would result in the non-existence of a separate Palestinian state. But this view became a minority perspective among Palestinians during the British Mandate, and began to disappear after 1948 However this opinion is still conveyed often in the Arab states outside Palestine particularly in Syria due to its adhesion to the Greater Syria Movement, launched in 1944 to constitute a "Syrian Arab" state which would include Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Palestine. But this view and its development has become improbable under present political reality. Even those who wanted to favour it in some situations back up an independent Palestinian state as the most
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
International Relations Theory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
International Relations Theory - Assignment Example This calls for less or no controls from the concerned governments thus eliminating government controls. The consumers are also free to choose the products and services they want from anywhere in the world. The international market exhibits such trends. This makes it possible for many countries to prefer capitalism to other ideologies such as communism. For those two reasons, capitalism and universal consumer culture sets a stage for liberal internationalism where individual choice to sell or buy is respected. The final engine is the democratization of governments across the world. Democracy entails self-rule forming a government of the people by the people where majority choice rules. The enjoyment of rights and freedoms that are seen in democratic governments constitute liberal practices in political structures (Marks, 1-19). Democratization works best if the state is ‘strong’. What does that mean? The formation of state is entrenched in there being a unified civil society and as such, the state remains imperative if civility in society is to be sustained. The people in a state do try their best not to harm the rights of others while they exercise theirs. This kind of scenario presents democracy where the rights and freedoms of others are respected and upheld. Without the exercise of upholding other people’s rights and freedoms and letting the people make their choice, there would not be democracy. For people to engage in democratic practices, there must be a civil society that is stable, sensitive to the rights and freedoms of others, and preservation of liberty, property and life of the people is upheld. For the stability of society, the state needs to operate within the limits of natural laws and civil laws. The need to become democratized emanates from the fact that people within a state demand that single interests be eliminated and the tyranny be checked for the b enefit of majority. A strong state has all the mechanism needed to establish civil obedience, upholds rights and freedoms of the people, the faults of the civil society can be corrected, and the state has the capacity and necessary authority to act that way. Strong civil society, stable governments, and strong civil structures in terms of institutions are better recipes for democratization as opposed to anarchy. Anarchy breeds tyranny. Democracy is constituted when limits to power is realized, mutual relations between the state and civil society are established, rule of law is upheld, constitutionalism promoted, and freedom and rights of all people are equally promoted through democratic participation, thus a strong state with functional democracy (Marks 1-19). What do realists think about ‘China’s rise’ and its implications for international order? The rise of China will transform the East Asia and this influence is set to spread to other parts of the world. Chi na’s take on international matters will be stronger and will bring about a huge drama. The rise of china is seen towards the direction of superpower
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Video game violence Essay Example for Free
Video game violence Essay Video Game Violence Law Poses Questions, is an editorial located in the online magazine V Planet. Vance Velez, the author of the controversial issue, opposes the Washington law involving specific forms of video game violence, which is on the verge of being passed in the Legislature. He successfully persuades his audience that the Washington law limits people’s rights and that they should take a stand against the proposed law. His audience includes people who are in favor of the Washington law, concerned parents, and adult video gamers that oppose the Washington law, who are, in his definition, those 18 or older. Those who are in favor of the law may include politicians, or mothers who can relate to influential violence on children. Adult video gamers are those who enjoy playing video games as a favorite pastime, just like golf or aerobics, for most Americans. â€Å"Its no argument that video games are becoming more violent†, states Velez. â€Å"Many parents and politicians oppose the violence; some even want to get these kind of video games banned. †A politician who opposes this specific form of violence is Mary Lou Dickerson. Mary Lou Dickerson is a State Legislator who has proposed a law to restrict certain violent material in video games. The proposed law, which is quoted in the editorial, states: Levies a fine up to 500 dollars on anyone who rents or sells to someone 17 or younger computer games in which the player kills or injures a human form that is depicted as a public law enforcement officer. Police officers and firefighters are included in that classification. †Velez addresses many flaws in the proposed law in detail and also explains some consequences that may occur if the law is passed. Vance Velez is the author of many editorials that appear on this online magazine. His broad knowledge of video games allows him to pinpoint the main problems of the law. He successfully persuades people that are in favor of the law, that it may, in the long run, actually harm our youth. The authors main argument throughout the editorial is backed by issuing a series of examples how many games that do not endanger young children, may be banned because of a faulty law. He mentions that passing the law will limit people’s rights and may also act as a gateway law, to limit others rights. â€Å"If they take away our right to have fun and view what we enjoy, then what else will they take away when violence is still present in our society? †Vance Velez explains in detail why people should oppose the Washington law on video games. Although he does introduce and define many terms involving video games, he expects the reader to at least have some knowledge about video games. He addresses many games, like Simcity and Grand Theft Auto, which have been in the mainstream lately; therefore, readers must be up to date with video games and must be familiar with certain type of video games in order to understand the author’s references. Velez addresses adult video gamers and let’s them know that their precious games may be lost, so he urges them to take action and protest this pending law. Velez opposes the Washington law because it violates people’s rights. Velez stand that taking away things mature Americans enjoy would be a crime in itself because it violates the Freedom of Speech rights. In his definition a mature American is a person who knows right from wrong. He states, â€Å"The Washington law, because it’s built on fear of the unknown and lack of communication, fails to recognize the freedom of speech rights. †The author uses logos by referring to people’s values of their rights. The author opens the first paragraph with a question, Whats the right way to protect children from violence? He appeals to those who are against video game violence and lets them know that he wants safety for our youth with the use of good reasons. He gains trust from this audience by showing he wants things for the better. His definition of children includes those who have a sense of right and wrong but are still easily influenced. He believes that video games arent harming children; its some other factor that is the reason why video games are harming very young kids, such as lack of parent guidance and discipline. Velez talks about this later on in his editorial. He then uses pathos to appeal to the feelings of concerned parents, and those who are in favor of the Washington law, as he states, â€Å"This is the fourth time that politicians have tried to pass laws regulating violent content in video games. †This audience sees how helpless and unsuccessful the government is when it comes to passing these types of laws. This audience feels sorry for the government, they sort of look down at them shame. Those who are in favor of the Washington law may begin to think that people who can’t make up their minds organize our country. They may start to question the proposed law and wonder if it too, will fail. Velez quotes Mary Lou Dickerson, who explains what the state legislator actually thinks about video games in response to a lawsuit. The lawsuit filed today against Washingtons ban on sales or rentals of cop-killing games to children comes as no surprise. Certain elements of the video-game industry clearly want the right to sell any game, no matter how brutal, racist or sick, to any child, no matter how young. Velez rebuts this argument by initially stating it’s in violation of Freedom of Speech rights. â€Å"Politicians are actually trying to ban violent video games which are a pastime that many adult Americans enjoy. †By adult, Velez states that he means, â€Å"Those people who are 18 or older. †He persuades this audience to take action by standing up against the law. Velez remarks, â€Å"Taking away an individuals right to have fun and enjoy video games can be argued as a violation. †The author is addressing adult gamers when he states this because they have the ability to stand up against such laws. The author’s statements threaten adult gamers and make them have a sense of danger that their lives are being controlled. Velez begins his argument by mentioning games that are â€Å"harmless†, in his opinion, which may be banned because they violate the grounds of the Washington law. His example of the game Simcity, appeals to logos and ethos by explaining how an educational game would be in violation of the law. He says, â€Å"In the game of Simcity, you can cause a minor disaster in your city by causing a tornado, an earthquake or a flood. These disasters can destroy the police station or fire department, which would be in violation of the proposed Washington law. †His audiences are those who are for the Washington law and concerned parents when he explains how â€Å"innocent†games, according to Velez, are the victims of the proposed law. He persuades them by making them realize not all â€Å"violent video games†are harmful to children. I think if this audience is familiar with the game of Simcity, they would agree that it is not a violent game, but the author makes them realize that their values will be lost if the law passes, by the use of pathos. Many video gamers would find this offensive because they arent able to enjoy their â€Å"innocent†games. The audience’s emotions are being involved in this paragraph with the use of pathos. The author’s ethos is clarified once his familiarity and expertise with video games begin to show and as he introduces situations that are possible once the law is passed. In another example of a harmful video game, the definition according the Washington law, Velez introduces the game Rampage, where giant gorillas and lizards destroy cities, similar to King Kong. The author explains that in the game the animals are capable of crushing police stations and police cars. Rampage, which attracts gamers between the ages of eight and sixteen, would be in violation of the Washington law. The author introduces the silliness of the Washington law. He makes the audience realize that highly fictional characters arent harmful to children; however, he states, â€Å"In the governments eyes, they will make children grow up to be terrorists. †Velez describes the many holes the proposed law contains. Those who are for the Washington law are persuaded with logos in this situation because they believe it is only fair for children or even adults to have fun if the game is completely safe. They may also think of other forms of entertainment that may also be involved with this kind of law. They imagine other situations where law enforcement officers are portrayed or killed, such as in numerous movies such as, â€Å"Robin Hood†and â€Å"Lethal Weapon†. Why arent these issues being addressed? Are video games that much worse than violent movies and plays? In his last paragraph, Velez explains his beliefs involving the problems of violent video games. His finger points to government and most importantly, the childrens parents. He explains that parents have the responsibility to judge what their child sees and hears. Some adult audiences might find his accusation offensive and may get turned off by his remarks, because they are blunt and obtrusive. An example of this is when he remarks, â€Å"The parents should be responsible enough to monitor their children and make sure that that particular game does not enter the console (videogame system) itself. †Reasonable adult audiences may actually listen to hear what the author is trying to get across. His use of logos appeals to those who are in favor of the Washington law because he makes them think about how parents could be the source of the problem. They may agree that parents need to be on the look out for what is safe and unsafe for their children. Velez explains that parents allow children to play violent video games that influence children to do harm which portray video games as the main source of the problem. â€Å"Its easier to blame an image or machine than it is to blame people†, Velez said. The â€Å"parent†problem may make more sense to his opposing audience if they arent biased and read the editorial with an open mind. In conclusion, Vance Velez was very familiar with his topic, which gave him enough credibility to persuade those in his audience who are in favor of the Washington law, to think twice about their position and possibly accept his belief, that passing the Washington law is a mistake. He’s also successful at convincing adult gamers, those 18 or older, to take action against the proposed Washington law. His arguments were well thought out and convincing by using logos and pathos. However, his alternative to the Washington law was a bit broad and didn’t really include a solution. He identified the problems that might occur if the law is passed, such as the loss of Freedom of Speech Rights, but he had no feedback on how else to deal with the situation. I believe author’s overall argument was persuading even though he didn’t include a proposed solution.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Genetically Modified Foods Essay -- GMOs, Genetically Modified Crops
Genetically Modified Foods With an ever-growing population and the problems of world hunger, there has been a high demand for an increased food supply and a better food supply. Technology has been called upon to meet this challenge. The advent of genetically engineered foods, sometimes called transgenic crops or genetically modified foods, is not a new concept, but the controversy over it is. Can these "frankenfoods" be harmful to humans? What are their effects on the environment? The following paper will focus on such questions as well as providing a better understanding of what genetically modified foods are and how they should be regulated. What are genetically modified foods? Although traditional plant breeding has been around for ages, the development of recombinant DNA techniques have offered a wide range of valuable genes and methods of inserting them into the plant genomes. Two major advances in molecular biology have resulted in new plant breeding technology: "The construction of genetic maps saturated with DNA markers, and the subsequent design of relatively simple PCR-based assays to facilitate the selection of desired alleles at closely linked loci and the resulting development of plant lines with desired combinations of traits; The cloning and DNA sequencing of specific genes, the reassembly of specific DNA fragments into functional chimeric genes, and the transfer of such genes to single plant cells from which complete plants can be regenerated via cell and tissue culture." (Conner et. al, 1999) It is the second method of breeding that has come into the most light recently and offers the opportunity to develop a wide variety of new crop cultivars. Transgenic plants are usually made up of a gene... ...ally engineered crops. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. Vol. 10, 1999. Pp. 298-302. OCDE (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). Consensus document on general information concerning the genes and their enzymes that confer tolerance to glyphosphate herbicide.1999. http://www.oecd.org/ehs/ehsmono/#BIO Snow, Allison and Pedro Moran Palma. Commercialization of transgenic plants: potential ecological risks. BioScience. Vol. 47, Feb. 1997. Pp. 86-96. Steinbrecher, Ricarda A. From green to gene evolution: the environmental risks of genetically engineered crops. The Ecologist. Vol. 26, Nov./Dec., 1996. Pp. 273-281. 14. Traynor, Patricia and James H. Westwood, Eds. Proceedings of a workshop on: ecological effects of pest resistance genes in managed ecosystems (Jan. 31-Feb. 3, 1999). Information Systems for Biotechnology. http://www.isb.vt.edu
Monday, November 11, 2019
France vs. England 17th Century Essay
There are mainly two types of governments that emerged during the seventeenth century. Most of the political development took place in France and England. Absolute monarchy took over throughout France while constitutionalism, or parliamentary monarchy, was becoming popular in England between 1640 and 1780. France’s absolute monarchy developed because of the nobles and kings focused on the concept of divine right. England, on the other hand, developed through the businessmen and landowners trying to prevent the central concentration of political power. These governments grasped the attention of philosophers, leaders, and churches. Eventually, both would develop and influence the modern world today in Europe and the Americas. France was very popular at the time for creating the idea of kings reigning by divine right. This perception was that the ruler of a specific country was put there by God. It was their divine right to be there because they were performing the work of God. The king’s subjects were not to question the decisions of the king because it was God’s will; and who can question God? King Louis XIV was the most influential towards divine rights. He expected to be treated like a god because he was His representative on earth. Louis XIV was supported by Bishop Jacques-Bà ©nigne Bossuet, who was the leader of French Catholicism in the seventeenth century. He used examples from the New Testament of rulers who were only answerable to God. Popes had insisted since the medieval times that they could only be judged by God. Bossuet and Louis XIV then argued that only God had the right to judge kings. In England, there was a lot of turmoil between the reigning monarchs and large landowners. English monarchs tried to copy France with their financial system that did not depend heavily on the estates, diets, or assemblies of nobles. By doing this, it helped to grant French monarchs absolute rule. While easily achieved in France, the English monarchy failed royally. James I of England also tried to achieve the divine right of kings. He wanted to lessen parliament’s power and called on them for help as little as possible. Without the help of parliament, James I had to find other means of revenue. He quickly angered his subjects because of England’s inadequate income; he threatened nobles, large landowners, and those of commercial wealth for money. James I and the Duke of Buckingham also sold royal patronage to the highest bidders. These were some of the key factors that led to the distrust of the English monarchs. In contrast, King Louis XIV gained the trust of his people and nobles with ease. He would entertain nobles at Versailles, his personal twenty-six acre home. He would then grant them tax exemptions, wealth, and social standing if they supported him. The French nobility found the best way to protect and promote their interests was to support the reigning monarch. Instead of depending on the wealth of the nobles, he made the nobles dependent on him. He proclaimed that, â€Å"the state is me,†or in other words, that France existed for him. Louis XIV also promoted that there should be â€Å"one king, one law, one faith.†This helped him gain the loyalty of the Roman Catholics who wanted to restore Catholicism as the prominent religion in Europe. English monarchs also botched in establishing absolute mona rchy because of religion. Protestant became the leading religion among the English. Protestants believed that Sunday should be full of religious observances and very little leisure or recreation. James I believed that recreation and sports were innocent activities and permitted them to be played on Sunday, which infuriated the Protestant religions. Because of a few other miss happenings, a Protestant movement known as Puritanism was established. This was a nonpolitical force that opposed absolutism and sought to limit political authority and eventually overturn it. There were also Puritans in France that tried to rebel but their efforts were crushed by Louis XIV and the Roman Catholics who enforced religious uniformity. England also differed from France because of the creation of the Bill of Rights. After the Glorious Revolution, when James II fled to France, England put William and Mary of Orange on the throne. Though they were the new reigning monarchs, Parliament issued the Bill of Rights that limited powers of the monarchy and guaranteed the civil liberties of the English classes. William and Mary signed the Bill of Rights that would let them rule only by the consent of Parliament. From the beginning of their reign in 1689, they brought many economic and military resources into balance with the French and would eventually top France as the powerhouse of Europe. In Comparing French and English political development, the b eliefs of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke perfectly illustrate the differences between absolute and parliamentary governments. Hobbes was a strict supporter to absolutism and complete control. Locke was a supporter of constitutionalism and protecting the natural rights of humans. Both of these philosophers, being completely opposite in view from the other, is the classic battle that has gone on forever and still exists today; the fight for power and the fight for freedom. Thomas Hobbes was a very talented and depressing political philosopher. He had discouragingly low view on values and the natural state of humans. Hobbes believed that the human race was so wicked and power stricken that they were cast out of paradise into the earth. To Hobbes, as expressed in the Leviathan, human nature was based on physical sensations and lust for power. One of his famous sayings was, â€Å"life is war of every man against every man.†This is why he thought that human beings must be controlled by absolute authority. The individuals should be told every choice to make and constrained by one supreme ruler that holds all power. Hobbes thought that rulers should have unlimited power because, â€Å"the dangers of anarchy are always greater than those of tyranny.†J ohn Locke, known as the defender of moderate liberty and toleration, had almost the exact opposite views as Hobbes. Locke viewed human beings in their natural state as being creatures of goodwill and reason. He believed that humans were divine creatures put on earth by God to learn from it and make it useful. Locke wrote the Essay Concerning Human Understanding that described the mind as being a blank slate at birth. As a person grows the development of who they become is based on their surroundings and those around them. Hobbes idea that humans are all evil is rebuked by Locke saying that people are not born evil. Their surroundings, experiences, and influences are what develop evil tendencies. Locke also wrote the Two Treatises of Government. The first described his distaste of absolutism. With too much power, he argued that there would be no freedom for anyone in the condition of absolute monarchy. The second treatise he described the natural and God given rights of humans. Among them were the natural rights of life, liberty, and property. Those ideas were used throughout history and in the Declaration of Independence. Another belief of his was that governments exist to protect liberty and the natural state of people not to overcome them. Locke was a very influential philosopher who greatly impressed many future generations with his political philosophical insight. Overall, the development of both absolute and parliamentary governments greatly affected Europe. The battles between France and England to have a stable government caused chaos throughout both countries. If anything, the Europeans learned many ways how not to run a country. Both countries and the development of differing monarchies set an example for many other countries. France created a strong absolute government as an example for rulers all over the world on how to have complete control of people. England eventually came around and with the help of the people created parliamentary government. The concept of constitutionalism was even a model for constructing the American administration. Currently the battle between power and freedom still goes on and will continue as long as there are people like Thomas Hobbes and John Locke who argue for their beliefs.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Barrows and Pickell model of problem solving Essay
INTRODUCTION This is a case study concerning a patient presenting with low abdominal pain, frequent micturation and dysuria. I will discuss the consultation and show how I used the problem solving consultation style detailed by Alison Crumbie. This involves listening to the patients’ initial complaint and developing hypothetical diagnosis. Focused questioning and clinical examination and investigations will then be used to eliminate some of the initial hypotheses. The patients’ perspective of their problem will be addressed and the synthesis of gathered information will enable the practitioner to arrive at a differential diagnosis and to agree on a treatment plan with the patient so that they can manage their problem. I currently work as a Nurse Practitioner in General Practice in East London. I provide first contact appointments for patients registered with the practice each morning on a walk-in basis. I am a non medical prescriber and generate prescriptions for patients. I work autonomously within my agreed scope of practice and am supported by the structure of a small organisation of professional clinical and administrative staff. The patient , whom I will call Sue, presented in the walk-in Surgery and told me she had had three days of stinging pain on passing urine, increased frequency of passing water and intermittent low abdominal discomfort. She also said that she had a water infection three months previously and that she thought that she now had the same problem. She had tried over the counter (OTC) medications and had increased the amount of fluids she drank with little effect. She said that her abdominal pain reduced after taking paracetamol but reoccurred after a few hours. She requested a prescription of the same antibiotics she had last time she had this problem. Forming the initial conceptMy first impression of Sue was that she was smartly dressed, of normal weight, looked physically well and did not appear to be distressed. She attended alone and I could see from her patient record that she was 25 years old. After introducing myself I asked her two opening questions – ‘how can I help you’ and ‘what brings you here today’. I find by combining open and closed questions in this manner it helps the patient be more focused on their presenting compliant than by using either of these opening questions alone. I try not to interrupt the patient as they respond and so give them the opportunity to relate what they think the problem is and what it is they think I can do to help them manage this problem. Sue told me that she got a burning pain on passing urine and thought that she had cystitis. She told me that last time she had a similar problem she was given antibiotics tablets. Sue told me that she had tried to self manage with OTC medications for pain relief and for cystitis for the past 2 days but had had no lasting relief from symptoms. She said that a few hours after taking paracetamol her pain returned. My initial concept was of an articulate, well dressed woman, who had decided that she was experiencing a urinary tract infection (UTI), who had tried unsuccessfully to manage her symptoms her self and was now requesting assistance from a health care professional. She appeared systemically well to me but possibly had cystitis. Generating multiple hypothesesA provisional explanation for the patients’ problems could now be attempted. It is important to think as widely as possible about potential causes to generate broad hypotheses which can then be narrowed down with focused enquiry and investigations (Crumbie et all) The quality of hypotheses is dependent on the practitioners experience in eliciting information from the patient and in translating this information into a number of potential scenarios. It is important that the information offered by the patient is understood correctly and not translated badly by the practitioner. For example a patient may say they felt sick and the practitioner understands this as feeling nauseated whilst the patient meant they felt generally unwell. I hypothesised that Sue could be suffering from Cystitis (uncomplicated UTI) , pylonephritis (ascending UTI), eptopic pregnancy, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) or constipation. On later reflection I realized I could have though about interstitial cystitis, appendicitis and renal calculi. My multiple hypotheses for this patient are presented in Table 1. Formulating an Inquiry StrategySue had told me that she had pain on passing urine and as I focused my questioning she told me her urine appeared darker in colour than normal and smelled different than usual. She described the pain as stinging and said that it was provoked by micturating and relieved a minute or so after she stopped urinating. I asked her to point to where the pain was in her abdomen and she indicated the suprapubic region. She gauged the pain to be level 6 on a pain scale of 0-10 without analgesia but did say it was relieved by analgesia and resolved to a feeling of pressure rather than pain at that time. Back/loin pain, nausea, vomiting, fever and frank haematuria are all more common with pylonephritis. Sue denied any of these symptoms which made it less likely as a diagnosis ultimately. .On enquiry Sue told me that she used Depo- Provera injections for contraception and dysmenorrhoea and consequently did not menstruate. She also denied any spotting of blood. Her last injection was given in practice 40 days previously and by reviewing her notes I could see her history showed timely attendance for these injections. Although I knew that both dysuria and suprapubic pain can be experience in both normal early pregnancy and in eptopic pregnancy, and that cystitis is more common in pregnant women, I felt I could now discount pregnancy as a cause of her symptoms due to her contraceptive history. I then asked her about her sexual history. Sue told me that she was currently celibate and had not had a sexual relationship for one year. I She told me she had never experienced genital herpes so I felt able to discount STI at this stage. I enquired about her bowel habits and Sue told me that she had passed a soft stool that morning as was her normal routine and that there had been no recent change to bowel actions. This made a diagnosis of constipation less likely. Whilst enquiring about her symptoms I used Mortens PQRST structured clinical questioning mnemonic. This enabled me to focus my questions and to analyse symptoms and Sues responses. It is especially useful when assessing symptoms of pain and enabled me to detail a focused history of her complaint. I have used this technique extensively since commencing Nurse Practitioner training and have found it easy to remember and that it adds a structure to my questioning that was previously lacking. Incorporating the patients perspectiveFollowing the above questioning, I went on to discuss with Sue her own concept and concerns regarding her presenting complaint. I asked Sue what she thought was causing her problem, what she thought was required to rectify the problems and what could help prevent reoccurrence. She told me that she was sure that she had another episode of cystitis and that she needed antibiotics. Applying appropriate clinical skillsI began with a general inspection of Sue’s external appearance ,her tone of voice and articulation. I recorded her vital signs. She was apyrexial @ 35.6 Celsius and normatensive @ 120/70. Respiratory rate was 12/min and pulse rate 80 bpm. These results are within normal limits for a person of her age. I performed near patient testing in the surgery with urine dip stick testing. This showed a positive response to nitrates and leukocytes. I did not have facilities for near patient pregnancy testing, and on reflection would not have performed one at this time in this case due to her contraceptive history. I chose not to send a test off to the laboratory for pregnancy testing for the same rational. Sue declined an internal exam at this time. I noted from records that Sue had not had a smear test so I offered to do this at this time. After explanation Sue agreed to this. I asked Sue to undress from the waist down and to lie on the examination coach. I ensured that she was comfortable screened and relaxed before commencing the exam. I examined her abdomen using the process taught in Nurse Practitioner training and described by ( Bickly 2005). I noted her abdomen was of normal appearance with what appeared to be an appendicectomy scar. Sue confirmed that she had had her appendix removed as a child. I auscilated for bowel sounds in the four quadrants and as these were heard and of normal tone I was able to rule out an acute abdominal problem. I then percussed her abdomen and found no change to expected tympani. This helped confirm the patient’s opinion that she was not constipated and after palpation of a soft abdomen I was able to discount this hypothesis at this stage. When I palpated her suprapubic region Sue complained of discomfort, this tenderness is indicative of bladder inflammation. Palpation of the costovertebral angles induced no pain response from Sue and as I recalled her vital signs and presenting history I felt able to exclude pylonephritis also. I then began an exam of Sue’s external genitalia looking for swelling, ulcer, lacerations or discharge. Inflammation and discharge are common with Candida and other vaginal infections. Genital herpes causes ulcerated areas and scratching can cause minor skin lacerations. This external exam was normal. I continued with the vaginal examination. Using a bimanual technique I first felt for Sue’s cervix and palpated it from side to side looking for a positive chandelier sign. If there is infection in the uterus this test can elicit pain. Sue did not have any pain on testing. I then inserted the speculum and examined the vaginal walls for signs of injury or discharge. This was also normal, inspection of the cervix and of the os showed no discharge and this combined with a negative chandelier sign now made the diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease less likely. I performed a smear test and took samples for HVS and Chlamydia testing. My initial hypotheses of cystitis now seemed most likely as the cause of symptoms. During this examination sequence I was reminded to consider appendicitis as a hypothesis in the future with this set of presenting symptoms. Developing the problem synthesisWhen I considered the presenting problem, my history and examination findings, and compared them with my original hypotheses I found that I was able to eliminate some at this stage. As Sue had no fever, nausea, haematuria or costovertebral pain I discounted pylonephritis. Bowel history and examinations were normal so constipation was also discounted. As Sue had a record of in date contraceptive cover with an injectable contraceptive and denied sexual intercourse I discounted pregnancy. Although I was aware that Pelvic inflammatory disease could account for her symptoms, examination findings had not supported these hypotheses and were all negative at this stage. When I reviewed the consultation at this stage, recalling the positive urine dip test, the suprapubic tenderness and the patient’s history I was able to be confident that to proceed with the differential diagnosis of cystitis was most appropriate. Diagnostic decision makingMy differential diagnosis was cystitis .I made a differential diagnosis of cystitis for the following reasons:Previous episodeDysuria – pain on micturation and frequencyLow abdominal pain – provoked by palpation of suprapubic areaNo systemic signs/ vital signs normalNo red flags – haematuria, pregnancy, recent change of sexual partnerPositive urine test for nitrates and leukocytesTherapeutic decision makingSue had come to surgery with the idea the she required antibiotics to treat her self diagnosed cystitis. She wanted her health care provider to facilitate this request. She had tried self management and used OTC preparations before presenting in surgery. This showed me that she was motivated in trying to achieve resolution of her problem. As these measures had not been successful in this instance we could agree a short course of oral antibiotics would be an appropriate treatment plan. As I had access to Sues health record I could see that she had been prescribed trimethoprin previously. Sue confirmed that she had no side effects from this medication and that she was willing to take it. As there were no contraindications for prescribing trimethoprin for this patient I issued her with a prescription for 1 x 200mg tablet, twice a day for three days. This is in line with prodigy guidance and local prescribing policy. As this was the treatment plan Sue had originally requested I was confident of concordance. I discussed with Sue some steps she could take to try and prevent reoccurrence of infection. These includes toilet hygiene (front to back wiping), post-coital micturation, regular voiding and reiterated early symptom self help measures with increased fluid intake and OTC cystitis remedies. I also provided Sue with a printed Patient Information Leaflet about self help measure for women with cystitis. I advised Sue that she should find her symptoms improving within the next 24 hours and asked to return to either the practice or the NHS Walk in Centre (depending on hours of opening) if she had no improvement in 48 hours or if her symptoms changed and she became feverish or pain increased. I explained that these could be signs that the infection was moving up towards her kidneys and that this would require urgent review. I explained that I had given her an antibiotic which would work for the majority of infections but that on some occasions is not effective and a different antibiotic is necessary. I provided her with this information so that she could make sense of any change in symptoms and would be more likely to present earlier for a consultation with a health care professional if there was treatment failure. Reflection in and on practiceI felt that this was a satisfactory consultation for both the patient and me. It began with the patient stating that she thought she knew what was wrong with her and what action needed to be taken to resolve the problem. By listening to the patient’s story I was able to make an analysis of her responses and to think of a number of multiple hypotheses. Proceeding with focused inquiry and utilizing clinical examination skills enabled me to discount some of these hypotheses, and by using structure, reminded me of hypotheses I had originally forgotten to include. I was able to facilitate an unexpected health intervention when the patient and carry out opportunistic smear testing. Following on from this I was able to reach a diagnostic decision and make therapeutic interventions. Throughout I was communicating with the patient, offering education and involving her in her care which should translate to better concordance with treatment plans and improved patient satisfaction with the consultation. This consultation took me 18 minutes to conclude and although I feel that I covered a wide range of potential hypotheses concerning the initial complaint and responded effectively to the patients concerns, I did feel time pressured. On reflection I need to be able to balance the quality of the consultation with the quantity of patients requiring attention during a session. I could have asked Sue to book another appointment for a smear test which would have enabled me to manage my time better but at the expense of patient distress and an incomplete patient episode. It has been my experience to be critisised by my medical colleuges about the time taken for consultations and they are in fact able to move patients through the surgery quicker than I can. Although this is a recurrent problem I believe that the most prevalent reason for this is that in using this model of consultation the practitioner addresses a wider range of potential hypotheses and that these can lead on to other health issues which then need addressing as demonstrated above. When I discussed this with my GP mentor he said that he would have probably tested her urine first and as it was positive for infection, prescribe an antibiotic after enquiring about her risk of pregnancy and not have addressed any other history at that stage. If he had wanted further testing, he would have asked her to make a nurse appointment. It would be interesting to see which approach is preferred by the patient and most satisfactory for the clinician. ConclusionThis case study looked at a consultation where a patient presented with possible cystitis and requested antibiotics. After following a structured consultation and diagnostic style I was able to reach agreement with the patient and to provide a prescription for antibiotics. This was a satisfactory conclusion for both the patient and me. I was also able to address a secondary health enquiry and opportunistically provide a smear test which was of additional benefit for the patient and the practice, as auditing will show this patient to now have had a smear test which has positive financial implications for the practice.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How to Express Sadness in English
How to Express Sadness in English Some days arent as good as others. In fact, you may feel sad from time to time. Its important to learn how to express sadness when you are feeling down. Also, you should know what to say when someone else is unhappy. StructuresUsed to Express Sadness The examples used in this section are in the present continuous tense to express feeling sad at the moment of speaking. You can also use these expressions in different tenses. Informal: Use these informal forms when speaking to close friends and family. Preceding each set of sentences, an example shows how to construct the sentence, including the subject and to be verb: Subject be feeling down about something Im feeling down about work lately.Shes feeling down about her grades. Subject be upset about something Im upset about my friends.Toms upset about his boss. Hes too hard on him! Subject be sad about something Im sad about the situation at work.Jennifers sad about her mother. Formal: Use these more formal forms when speaking to people at work or with those whom you dont know well. Subject be out of sorts Im sorry. Im out of sorts today. Ill be better tomorrow.Peter is out of sorts today. Ask him tomorrow. Subject do not feel well Doug doesnt feel well today.I dont feel well. Im going to the doctor. Expressing Sadness With Idioms Idioms are expressions that dont literally mean what they say, such as: Its raining cats and dogs. The expression doesnt mean that cats and dogs are falling out of the sky. English uses common idioms when speaking about sadness: Subject be feeling blue about something Jack is feeling blue about his relationship with his girlfriend.Our teacher said he was feeling blue about life last night. Subject be in the dumps about something Were in the dumps about our financial situation.Kelly is in the dumps about her horrible job. Showing Concern When someone tells you he is sad, its important to express concern. Here are some common phrases to show that you care. Informal: BummerI feel you.Tough luck.I cant believe that. Thats horrible / disgusting / not fair Examples of informal expressions of concern include: I feel you. Life isnt always easy.Bummer, but keep trying. Youll find a good job eventually. Formal: Im sorry to hear that.Thats too bad.What can I do to help?Is there anything I can do for you?Would you like to talk about it? Some examples of formal expressions of concern are: Im sorry to hear that. What can I do to help?Thats too bad. Would you like to talk about it? If you see that someone is sad, but that person is not telling you, use the following phrases to get her to open up about her feelings. Ask prompting questions when helping a friend or colleague who is feeling sad, such as: Whats the matter?You seem sad. Tell me all about it.Why the long face? Example Dialogues These dialogues will help you and a friend or fellow student practice expressing sadness or concern. At work: Colleague 1: Hi Bob. Im feeling out of sorts today.Colleague 2: Im sorry to hear that. What seems to be the problem? Colleague 1: Well, Im really upset about the changes at work.Colleague 2: I know its been difficult for everyone. Colleague 1: I just dont understand why they had to change our team!Colleague 2: Sometimes management does things we dont understand. Colleague 1: It make no sense! I just dont feel well.Colleague 2: Maybe you need some time off work. Colleague 1: Yes, maybe thats it.Colleague 2: Is there anything I can do to help? Colleague 1: No, just talking about it makes me feel a little better.Colleague 2: Feel free to talk to me anytime. Colleague 1: Thanks. I appreciate it.Colleague 2: No problem. Between friends: Sue: Anna, whats the matter?Anna: Nothing. Im fine. Sue: You seem sad. Tell me all about it.Anna: OK, Im in the dumps about Tom. Sue: Bummer. What seems to be the problem?Anna: I dont think he loves me anymore. Sue: Really! Are you sure about that?Anna: Yes, I saw him yesterday with Mary. They were laughing and having a great time. Sue: Well, maybe they were just studying together. It doesnt mean hes leaving you.Anna: Thats what I keep telling myself. Still, Im feeling blue. Sue: Is there anything I can do?Anna: Yes, lets go shopping! Sue: Now youre talking. A nice new pair shoes would help you feel much better.Anna: Yes, maybe thats what I really need. Not a boyfriend but some beautiful new shoes.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Interview How to sometimes say no to your editor
Interview How to sometimes say no to your editor How to sometimes say 'no' to your editor - An interview with Gale Winskill Our 9th #freelancerfriday interview: â€Å"It does really worry me when authors take every suggestion that I make and implement it. I worry that they don’t believe enough in their own book. An author should always feel they can come back and say â€Å"I hate your suggestions but I accept that my original doesn’t work.†That’s healthy and that’s good. They can understand why you’ve made the criticism, but can then go away and find their own solution to a problem.†Gale Winskill is a great editor. She offers the full set of editorial services, with a portfolio proving experience in an enormous variety of genres - including a strong background in editing children’s fiction. Below we talk plot-structure, polyediting, and a healthy way to work with an editor. Enjoy!What services do you provide?Mostly editing, proofreading and critiques, although I also do some training. I work with a variety of genres: a lot of fiction editing, bot h for adults and for children; a lot of academic editing for non-native speakers of English; non-fiction; children’s picture books; and manuscript critiques.Are there differences between editing adult and children’s fiction?Not very many. The basics of plot structure are essentially the same for both. The main difference is checking that the content is appropriate for the age group, that you’re talking about subjects that they can understand and follow, and that the language level is also suitable for the age category concerned.What do editors do for authors?The editor is the most critical reader you will ever encounter as an author. As an editor your role is partly to spot things that will be criticised, as well as what’s strong. An editor tries to make sure that the author doesn’t fall into those pitfalls. The author has an opportunity to address any weakness that might open their work up to criticism before the book goes to print. The editor is very much a reader, first and foremost.Two editors will never think the same way, just as two readers will find different things in the same text. I may have to tell an author that I can see why they did something one way, but that it may be perceived in a different way by readers. But how the author decides to address that is up to them. Your professional duty as an editor extends to telling an author what strikes you about a text, but at the end of the day it’s the author’s prerogative to ignore everything an editor says, as ultimately it’s their book.Is working with multiple editors a good practice for authors? Does having second opinions help?I think it usually ends up a mess. An author should find an editor they like and - while they don’t have to agree with everything the editor says - one they can work with. If you have multiple editors it can be confusing. I might feel a particular character doesn’t work for a particular reason, wh ereas another editor might not see a problem. For authors, I don’t see how they can follow one person’s train of thought if they’re trying to compare that with another person’s train of thought.However, there’s a different argument for having more than one critique of a book. It might be interesting to see what various people pick up from reading a book without having them pull it apart.What kind of advice are you able to give an author?Judging by the responses of my authors, I’m good at spotting the weaknesses in a text and offering suggestions on how to resolve it. It does really worry me when authors take every suggestion that I make and implement it. I worry that they don’t believe enough in their own book. An author should always feel they can come back and say â€Å"I hate your suggestions but I accept that my original doesn’t work.†That’s healthy and that’s good. They can understand why you’v e made the criticism, but can then go away and find their own solution to a problem. Authors have told me that they knew something wasn’t working but couldn’t work out why. Once they know the reason they can go away and redraft it. I think authors prefer to be told when a book isn’t publishable in it’s current state but that it could be made to work if they do this and that, as opposed to publishing online and being slated. Authors appreciate criticism so long as it’s constructive, justified, and given in a diplomatic fashion.When should an author approach you with a work-in-progress? After the first draft is completed?Unless I’ve worked with an author for a while and I’m familiar with their work, I don’t like working on a book in pieces. As I work through the book I may change my mind about what I said in the first few chapters. If people send the work piecemeal, I don’t get a sense of the whole. I suggest to new author s that until they’re at the end of the process and are ready to submit it for editing, my seeing it doesn’t benefit them. It’s more constructive when the editor’s opinion is formed in one go.Thank you for your time Gale.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
How is the idea of architecture being conveyed and what, finally, does Essay
How is the idea of architecture being conveyed and what, finally, does this building mean - Essay Example In that case we do using the visual perception of the building (Tomaszewski, 2003). Therefore architecture relates to the entire design of the building which in the end gives the unique visual impression that we can see. Further, the buildings architectural designs can also communicate their history, iconography, or perhaps the people who built them. Different emotions or feeling as well can be communicated by different architectural connotations. Amongst the above connotations, also context, flexibility, formality, function and simplicity are some of the aspects that can be utilized by architects to communicate through the building design. This implies that architecture is thus a form of language. Architecture is a symbolical representation of language through which different emotions or information can be communicated (Tomaszewski, 2003). Therefore, buildings can be read just like texts. This essay discusses how the idea of architecture is being conveyed using Kolumba Museum buildi ng. Additionally, the essay also discusses what is finally meant by the Kolumba Museum building. Kolumba Museum is an art museum located in cologne Germany. The Museum has a monumental building designed by Peter Zumthor. This site was formerly, St. Columbia Church run by the diocese of Cologne. The museum is one of the oldest founded by the society for Christian art back in1953. The new home was designed by peter Zumthor in 2003. The site where this building sits was formerly occupied by the St Columbia church but was later to be destroyed during the World War II. The structure designed by Zumthor shares a site with the ruins of St. Columbia’s gothic church. The building is wrapped up with a perforated brick faà §ade including the entire museum (Zumthor, 2008). The building additionally has 16 exhibition rooms with varying qualities depending on the day light allowed in. with a light gray wall made of
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