Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Ku Klux Klan In The 1920s Essay - 839 Words
The 1920s are remembered as lively time, sometimes referred to as the Jazz Age, Roaring Twenties, or the decade of prosperity. The 1920s, had many social trends that developed as a result of fear, one of the most shameful, the Ku Klux Klan. This trend did not emerge just once but twice, it was rebranded and improved because its members fed off fear and racism. Due to the Red Scare (reaching its peak in the early 1920s), Americans became obsessed with one hundred percent â€Å"Americanism†. This led to â€Å"a decade of citizenship education programs in public schools, legally sanctioned visits to immigrants’ homes to investigate their household arrangements, and vigorous efforts by employers to instill appreciation for American values †(Give Me†¦show more content†¦2, 2017, Foner, pg. 788). Women gaining equality became the center of some ad campaigns. What had been considered illegal in 1904, was okay in 1924. For instance, one example was cigarettes. Edward Benays marketed cigarettes directly towards women, claiming them as their torches of freedom. Another important social trend was the Scopes Trial. In 1925, John Scopes, a Tennessee public school teacher, went against the Tennessee law â€Å"that prohibited the teaching of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution†(Give Me Liberty: An American History Vol. 2, 2017, Foner, pg. 801). The Scopes Trial brought out an internal battle that the country had been fighting about since World War I. To the school teachers aid came the American Civil Liberties Union, who thought the case would be a â€Å"lesson in the dangers of religious intolerance and the merger of church and state†(Give Me Liberty: An American History Vol. 2, 2017, Foner, pg. 801). Scopes lawyer, Clarence Darrow, put William J. Bryan on the stand as an expert witness on the Bible and even though Bryan proved to be oblivious to modern science, the jury still found Scopes guilty. Later, a Tennessee Supr eme Court â€Å"overturned the decision on a technicality. Shortly after the trial ended, Bryan died and the movement for anti-evolution laws disintegrated†(Give Me Liberty: An American History Vol. 2, 2017, Foner, pg. 802). As important as the social trends were in the 1920s, theShow MoreRelatedThe Rise and Fall of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920 Essay1558 Words  | 7 Pagesof the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s The second Ku Klux Klan lasted between 1915 to 1944 but predominantly rose and fell during the 1920s. The Ku Klux Klan was a white supremacist group with millions of members who brutally tortured and killed anyone who was not a white American. The Ku Klux Klan were known for their white robes, cone hats, and covered faces that disguised their identities. The second Ku Klux Klan’s most important part of it’s history was it’s dramatic rise and fall. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
The Forbidden Game The Hunter Chapter 16 Free Essays
It was Dee who made the phone call, because Audrey and Michael were looking out the kitchen window together, and Zach wasn’t the talking type. Jenny and Tom had moved a little away from the others. â€Å"I wanted to show you this,†Tom said. We will write a custom essay sample on The Forbidden Game: The Hunter Chapter 16 or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was a tattered scrap of paper. It had several things drawn and then crossed out-Jenny thought one was a rat. The only thing not crossed out was in the middle, and Jenny couldn’t tell what it was. â€Å"I’m a rotten artist. I thought you could tell by the yellow hair and green eyes.†â€Å"I’m your worst nightmare?†Jenny said, only half joking because she was completely bewildered. â€Å"No. It was hard to draw, but it was what I meant at the end when I told Julian I guessed it had to happen. The name of the Game was face your worst nightmare, and that was mine. Losing you.†Jenny could only look at him. â€Å"I’m not good at saying it. Maybe I’m not even good at showing it,†he said. â€Å"But-I love you. As much as he does. More.†All Jenny could think of was hibiscus bushes. Little Tommy in second grade. The boy she had decided she was going to marry-on sight. Something was tugging at her inside, but she knew she had to put it-even the memory of it-away forever. Never think of it again. And never let Tom know. Never. â€Å"I love you, too,†she whispered. â€Å"Oh, Tom, so much.†It was at that moment they heard the glass break. Dee was hampered by being on the phone. Tom was hampered by Jenny. The others were just plain frozen. Still, it was only a few seconds before they ran back to the living room, just in time to see two figures ducking out the broken sliding glass door with really astonishing speed. The white box wasn’t on the coffee table anymore. Tom and Dee, of course, ran into the backyard. But even Jenny, standing by the broken door, could see there was no chance. The two figures were over the wall and gone before their pursuers got close. After climbing the block wall and looking around, Tom and Dee came slowly back. â€Å"They just disappeared,†Dee said in disgust. â€Å"They were flying,†Tom panted. â€Å"You’re not in the best of shape, either of you,†Jenny said. â€Å"It doesn’t matter. I didn’t really want to give the Game to the police anyway. It probably won’t work for anyone else.†â€Å"But who were they? Shadow Men?†Michael asked. â€Å"Shadow Men in sneakers,†Dee said, pointing to a muddy footprint on the tiles. â€Å"But why would they want to-â€Å" Jenny tuned him out. She was looking at the broken glass and trying not to think. Even from behind, those two guys had looked familiar. But surely what she’d said was true. The Game had been meant for her; it shouldn’t work for anyone else. Besides, it was squashed now, ruined. And even if it did work for someone else, what were the chances of them making it all the way up to the third floor, into her grandfather’s basement? And even if they did make it there, what were the chances of them opening a white closet door? â€Å"Good riddance to it,†Tom said. In the early morning light his dark hair shone, and the green flecks in his eyes looked gold. â€Å"Everything I care about is right here,†he said. He smiled at Jenny. â€Å"No more nightmares,†he told her, with open love in his face, in front of them all. Jenny went into the circle of his arms. In a vacant lot, two boys were panting, looking behind them for pursuers. â€Å"I think we lost them,†said the one in the black bandanna and T-shirt. â€Å"They weren’t even trying,†said the one in the black-and-blue flannels. They looked at each other in a mixture of triumph and fear. They didn’t know what the box was, despite a night of watching the blond girl’s house. It hadn’t been until dawn that they’d worked up the nerve to break in-and then the white box had been there on the table, waiting for them. They knew only that ever since seeing it they’d been compelled to follow it, fearing it and wanting it in equal measure. It had dominated their thoughts, sending them after the girl, keeping them up all night. And now they had it, at last. One of them flicked out a knife and slit the tape. How to cite The Forbidden Game: The Hunter Chapter 16, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Christian Worldview
Question: Discuss about the Article for Christian Worldview. Answer: God is the supreme ruler, and as a supreme ruler, He rules the Kingdom in an eternal manner in which He has the complete influence. To understand the biblical notion of Kingdom, we have to analyze that it includes many ideas, such as the right to rule the kingdom, a dominion in which God is understood as a ruling authority and the exercise of that authority in reality[1]. From the perspective of the kingdom of God, the Bible has two features, the temporary aspect and the eternal aspect. The eternal aspect of Gods kingdom is understood by four important truths: first, it is eternal, second it is universal and third it is miraculous[2]. In perpetuity past, even before the angels and the men were created, the kingdom seemed to have existed, and this was because of the relationship that existed between the heavenlies and the members of trinity. God was regarded as the Sovereign and as the Father of the kingdom. God was regarded as the Son of the Universe and subordinate to the position of Father[3]. God was regarded as the executor of the orders of the Father. Thus, one may conclude that in the past, a kingdom existed which gave the power to the God to exercise his power, rule and authority that he possessed. Thus, all the rudiments that were necessary to realms were present. Kingdom is regarded as an outcome of God and the God continues his rule over the kingdom from one eternity to the other eternity. The kingdom of God was regarded as an angelic monarchy before it was developed on the kingdom of earth. The beatific hosts that were part of the kingdom worshipped and obeyed God and they were subject to the power of t he Sovereign. This continued until, Lucifer, the rebel of God had come into existence[4]. To exhibit his right to rule, God ordered his right to rule in the earthly sphere, where he would rule. God created man in the earth who was responsible for the recognition of his right to rule. It was expected out of them to recognize the right of God and to submit to his rights. The Sovereign God ruled through those whom he allocated a part of his power. They were called theocratic administrators[5]. They had the responsibility to follow the orders of God and they had the power to punish those who committed wrong against others and reward those who do well for others. Adam was regarded as the first theocratic administrator who had the responsibility to focus all the formation of God to himself so that through Him the creation might be focus to the power of God. When this kind of governance failed, Adam and Eve was expelled out of the Garden and God changed his theocratic administrator. With the end of Adams theocratic administration, God initiated a new form of management in which he used the administrator called Abraham. God promised Abraham a seed, land and a blessing. Through the new administrator, God used his right and power on earth. The Kingdom of Israel witnessed covenants of God such as the Abrahamic Covenant, Davidic Covenant, The New covenant and the Palestinian Covenant. These covenants determined the Ultimate form of the Kingdom of the God of heaven on Earth. The Prophets of the kingdom had the responsibility to glorify the kingdom of God. The Prophets of God had the responsibility to spread the message of God and this created anticipation amongst the people that the covenants shall be fulfilled in the kingdom of God. After years John, a Baptist, said, Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand, made an official proclamation. When Jesus started his administration, he made the same announcement. Jesus was rejected as a Prophet of God in his early years of his administration[6]. The reason behind this was that people could not agree to take him as God. People, however, failed to provide any justified reason for the rejection of Jesus[7]. The general belief of people was that only two paranormal powers could execute visions, Satan and God. If the people were to believe, that Jesus performed miracles with the help of God then that could be considered as a cause of their unbelief, and if he performed miracles then that may become a justified clause for their rejection. Many people rejected Jesus on the ground that he possessed the power of demons and that is why he could perform the miracles. This notion was spread amongst the people easily until Jesus was crucified. Thus one may conclude, that despite Jesus had undergone so many criticisms and was crucified, finally, it was seen that he has come to this earth to spread the message of love, care of God[8]. With the end of Jesus administration, the following questions were brought under consideration that is what shall happen to the kingdom of God in the present age? What appearance will the realm of God take in this current age? What are the necessary features of Gods realm in the present age? Jesus revealed the answer to this question in the book of Mathew, chapter 3 verse 11. He referred this as the secrets of the kingdom[9]. The secrets have been revealed in the Old Testament and the important features of a millennial kingdom have been stated in the Old Testament. However, what the Old Testament has not revealed was that an entire age will prevail between which the Messiah will offer his kingdom to Israel as the next King. Since the time Jesus was resurrected, he exhausted time with those whom He had selected teaching about the new form of kingdom and preparing his administration similar to that of the Gentile and Jew. The realm of God in the current age was formed by lecturing and spreading the word of God. This was clarified to Peter through the vision that he received in Acts 10. When Peter, refused to eat something that was unclean in compliance with the Levitical Law, he was told, Do not call anything that God has made it clean[10]. To ensure that there was no misunderstanding this statement was recurring three times. This made obvious to Peter that the differences that were intrinsic in the Levitical Law had been removed and he stated, I now realize how true it is that God does not show favouritism but accepts men from every nation who fear Him and do what is right. (vv. 34-35). After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Peter felt free to accept and assert the gospel of Jesus Christ. In Jerusalem, the acceptance of God was granted easily. Christians have often misunderstood the relationship between Church and the Kingdom of God. For the Christians the realm of god and Church are synonymous terms of one another. In fact, they are very dissimilar from each other and the realm of God holds a higher position than Church. The main reason why Jesus came to this earth was to found the Kingdom of God. The gospels are the proof that Jesus was constantly teaching about the Kingdom of God. The twelve disciples of Jesus were sent to spread the same truth of the Kingdom of God. In gospels, use the word Church only two times. The Kingdom of God is a much wider term than Church. Church is regarded as part of the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of God is inclusive of every area of life that is under the authority of God and rule. If God rules a home, it becomes a part of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God shall include those places where things are done according to the wishes of God[11]. The main intention of God is to expand His work in every area of life since he is the creator of life. This expansion takes place in two diversified ways, one person should be born as part of His Kingdom and secondly, people are born as part of Kingdom of God through repentance and faith. Being born the second time is the only way when one can enter into the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God also includes those areas where the Christian has authority. Through the authority that Christians hold, that itself becomes a part of the Kingdom of God. The authority that Christians hold as part of their daily life includes family, business, church, judges and Christians. Everything that is outside the scope of kingdom of God becomes part of darkness. Moreover, Satan and evil control the darkness. Things that are part of kingdom of God is considered to be good, pure and helpful for the people. The rule of Satan is regarded as a rule of evil and is opposed to the concept of Kingdom of God[12]. Satan is regarded as a liar, a destroyer, and a destructor of good things around him. He hates God and as a part of kingdom of God, we should hate him as he hates God. The purpose of God is to end the Kingdom of God and to end the Kingdom of Satan[13]. The reason is that God thinks good for their child and Satan thinks bad for the children that God has created. Therefore, w e should follow the word of God instead of following the footprints of Satan. Instead of focusing on establishing the kingdom of God, people have focused on establishing the building of Church. For us church has become a place of retreat from the world. Instead of making the Church a place of retreat, one should focus on making it a ground for the Kingdom of God and a recruiting system[14]. The Church must recruit members for the Kingdom of God that is proclaimed in the gospel. God has sent us to become a part of his Kingdom by following his gospel and by following the preaching of Jesus. We should not relate the Kingdom of God to the Church; they are not identical to one another. Instead, we should aim at separating these two wings and we should aim at creating a more secure and a more loving kingdom of God. References: Baum, Priscilla, Catherine Crandle, Chandler James, Joshua Snyder, Benjamin Sisco, and Zhuosong Xie. "Cannabinoid Receptor Modulators for the Treatment of Liver Fibrosis." (2016). Dahlvig, Jolyn E., and Karen A. Longman. "Influences of an Evangelical Christian Worldview on Womens Leadership Development."Advances in Developing Human Resources18, no. 2 (2016): 243-259. Fraser, David A., and Anthony Campolo.Sociology through the eyes of faith. Harper Collins, 2013. Griffiths, Paul J.Philosophy and the Christian worldview: analysis, assessment and development. Edited by David Werther, and Mark D. Linville. AC Black, 2012. Huebner, Anna. "The Development of a Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction Experiment for the Organic Chemistry Laboratory." (2016). Kim, David, David McCalman, and Dan Fisher. "The sacred/secular divide and the Christian worldview."Journal of business ethics109, no. 2 (2012): 203-208. Lew, Kelley Newlin, Nancy Arbauh, Paul Banach, and Gail Melkus. "Diabetes: Christian Worldview, Medical Distrust and Self-Management."Journal of religion and health54, no. 3 (2015): 1157-1172. Lindemann, Rob. "Pedagogy For Christian Worldview Formation: A Grounded Theory Study of Bible College Teaching Methods." (2016). Moorman, Sandra. "Nursing from a Christian Worldview: Being Transformed to Care."Journal of Christian Nursing32, no. 1 (2015): E1-E7. Morrow, Shad Alan. "The Effects of a Christian Academic Program on Undergraduate Biblical Christian Worldview." PhD diss., GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY, 2015. Porter, Stanley E. "DISTINGUISHING A CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW AND SUPPOSED CULTURAL ABSOLUTES."McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry15 (2013): 80. Quinn, Mary E., Laura S. Foote, and Michele L. Williams. "Integrating a biblical worldview and developing online courses for the adult learner."Christian Scholar's Review41, no. 2 (2012): 163. Ryken, Philip Graham.Christian worldview: A student's guide. Crossway, 2013. Van der Walt, Barend J. "Flying on the wings of Vollenhoven's radical Christian worldview: A reconsideration of the usual typology of Christian worldviews."koers77, no. 1 (2012): 1. [1] Porter, Stanley E. "DISTINGUISHING A CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW AND SUPPOSED CULTURAL ABSOLUTES."McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry15 (2013): 80. [2] Dahlvig, Jolyn E., and Karen A. Longman. "Influences of an Evangelical Christian Worldview on Womens Leadership Development."Advances in Developing Human Resources18, no. 2 (2016): 243-259 [3] Fraser, David A., and Anthony Campolo.Sociology through the eyes of faith. Harper Collins, 2013 [4] Dahlvig, Jolyn E., and Karen A. Longman. "Influences of an Evangelical Christian Worldview on Womens Leadership Development."Advances in Developing Human Resources18, no. 2 (2016): 243-259 [5] Fraser, David A., and Anthony Campolo.Sociology through the eyes of faith. Harper Collins, 2013 [6] Porter, Stanley E. "DISTINGUISHING A CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW AND SUPPOSED CULTURAL ABSOLUTES."McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry15 (2013): 80. [7] Dahlvig, Jolyn E., and Karen A. Longman. "Influences of an Evangelical Christian Worldview on Womens Leadership Development."Advances in Developing Human Resources18, no. 2 (2016): 243-259 [8] Fraser, David A., and Anthony Campolo.Sociology through the eyes of faith. Harper Collins, 2013 [9] Griffiths, Paul J.Philosophy and the Christian worldview: analysis, assessment and development. Edited by David Werther, and Mark D. Linville. AC Black, 2012. [10] Dahlvig, Jolyn E., and Karen A. Longman. "Influences of an Evangelical Christian Worldview on Womens Leadership Development."Advances in Developing Human Resources18, no. 2 (2016): 243-259 [11] Griffiths, Paul J.Philosophy and the Christian worldview: analysis, assessment and development. Edited by David Werther, and Mark D. Linville. AC Black, 2012. [12] Dahlvig, Jolyn E., and Karen A. Longman. "Influences of an Evangelical Christian Worldview on Womens Leadership Development."Advances in Developing Human Resources18, no. 2 (2016): 243-259 [13] Van der Walt, Barend J. "Flying on the wings of Vollenhoven's radical Christian worldview: A reconsideration of the usual typology of Christian worldviews."koers77, no. 1 (2012): 1. [14] Griffiths, Paul J.Philosophy and the Christian worldview: analysis, assessment and development. Edited by David Werther, and Mark D. Linville. AC Black, 2012.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Importance of Deductive Reasoning Essay Sample free essay sample
It is of import to understand what is known anterior to doing a determination because the determination could be either incorrect or right. Making determinations at times can be a difficult thing to make. There are many pros and cons for determination devising. In argument five To Cheat or Not to Cheat Jenna has a large determination to do. She has to make up ones mind whether or non she wants to go on her category by being honest or to rip off because it will assist her out in the terminal. Her determination can ensue in failure for the category or if she can prep herself to make better she can go through this category. If she doesn’t think about what the effects can be she will turn to rip offing because it is an easy flight. Making determinations can besides come with effects if you don’t do the right pick. We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of Deductive Reasoning Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Peoples make picks by impulse which normally comes with a negative wages. Jenna needs to make up ones mind what is right for her instead than what Cyndi thinks she should make. If Jenna happened to rip off she would neglect the category and have to recapture it. Her best stake is to clasp down and make the work herself. With her doing the right pick can profit her in many ways like cognizing that she did the work herself and didn’t darnel. Cheating can go forth a large bit on your shoulder and she wouldn’t have that if she was honorable and did her work by herself. Jenna can put aside an sum of clip where she can analyze every twenty-four hours and still hold clip to take attention of her sick parent. Making this can is a good determination so she can still make things she needs to make around the house. A few hours of analyzing a twenty-four hours can assist convey up her class. That is the better wages instead than rip offing her manner through school. The function of deductive logical thinking in the determination devising procedure is that deductive logical thinking are true statements that gets right to the point that needs to be made. When doing determinations deductive logical thinking should be used because it doesn’t round around the shrub. Deductive concluding gives true premises and this can ensue in a true decision. For Jenna the true premiss is that if she cheats she can neglect her category. Or if she does the work herself this can ensue in a passing class. Jenna shouldn’t even have rip offing in one of her determinations because this can be a ill thought out pick. She needs to utilize deductive logical thinking in doing the right pick. If she cheats this can truly ache her and it can ache her class. If the premises are true in her determination so it is clear and her decision can be made. Making a determination can be hard but if she has true facts this determination can easy be made. She will non experie nce guilty if she cheats and that can do her feel proud that she did the work by herself. The procedure of deductive logical thinking assistance in understanding an statement devising certain that the statements are all true. If non so it is non deductive logical thinking. A procedure that goes along with deductive logical thinking is syllogism. Syllogism takes two conditional statements and so comes to a decision based on that. This can be as an assistance to do a good determination. If Jenna darnels. so she will neglect this category. If she fails this category she will hold to recapture it. If she cheats she will hold to recapture this category. This is a syllogism in her instance. Understanding deductive logical thinking is a good manner to do good determinations. Knowing the right procedure can do you more knowing about determination devising. It is easy to do a incorrect determination because you don’t believe about the rights and wrongs. In Jenna’s instance she needs to truly believe about doing the right determination which is clearly non rip offing. If she ends of allowing her friend because she didn’t take her advice to rip off so she wasn’t a good friend anyhow.
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